Anasayfa / Etiket Arşivi: mattress (sayfa 20)

Etiket Arşivi: mattress

Exclusive mattress fabrics from Sardes Textile

Ercan Arslan, General Manager of Sardes Textile, “We care about anti-mold, antibacterial and anti-mite finishing on bedding clothes.” Belgium origin bed textile manufacturer Devan Chemicals N.V, serves Turkish bed manufacturers via Sardes Textile since 2003. After USA, China, India, Indonesia ...

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XSENSOR in China

The company exhibits at CIFF to lead companies to Experience REVEAL Mattress Recommendation System which increases mattress sales performance of mattress-selling companies.  XSENSOR Technology Corporation, world leader in pressure mapping technology, is showcasing REVEAL at CIFF, China International Furniture Fair, ...

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