Unlike traditional EVA-based adhesives, these polypropylene-based materials offer superior bond strength and thermal stability without the need for additional additives like tackifiers or plasticizers As a manufacturer in industries like mattresses, furniture, automotive interiors, textiles or hygiene, you know that ...
Devamını Oku »Innovative bed base technologies: Enhancing sleep comfort
Advanced bed base technologies from leading mattress brands redefine comfort with customizable positions, enhanced ventilation, and practical storage solutions, ensuring a superior sleep experience for every need. Some mattress brands are revolutionizing the way we think about bed bases by ...
Devamını Oku »R&D studies for raw material production from 3A Tekstil
3A Tekstil, producing materials on bedding and sleep products, went about for the solution of raw material need and import, which is one of the biggest problems of the sector. We talked to Muhammed Alkurt, one of the company’s partners, ...
Devamını Oku »IBIA at the service of the world bedding industry
The International Mattress Industry Association (IBIA), which brings the mattress industry together, is expected to make a great contribution to the sector with its activities. The mattress industry sector, which has a size of 3 billion dollars in Turkey, exports ...
Devamını Oku »Bedco believes in background experience
Despite being a newly established brand, the company, benefiting from its past experiences, looks to the future with hope with its technological conditions. Bedco Textile Mattress was established in 2019 with 15 years of “Mattcovers” experience in mattress cover ...
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