Anasayfa / ACTUEL / Sefox: We will increase our trade volume in the American market

Sefox: We will increase our trade volume in the American market

Sefox Sales Manager Erçin Özdemir said that ISPA Expo 2024 was extremely productive for them and that they aim to increase their volume in the American market with the b2b meetings held thanks to the exhibition.

Stating that the global economic crisis also had an impact on the ISPA Expo organisation and therefore the exhibition was quieter compared to previous years, Özdemir said that despite all these factors, the exhibition was productive and added the following sentences; “ISPA Expo exhibition was extremely productive, as in previous years, due to the participation of competent people in every meeting and meeting sector or company. As Sefox, it was a great opportunity to understand the demands of all our visitors, customers and business partners who visited our stand and to explain and introduce the innovations in our company. As a result, I believe that our potential and commercial volume in the region will increase even more.”
