Anasayfa / ACTUEL / IBIA will make Turkey the leader of the global mattress industry

IBIA will make Turkey the leader of the global mattress industry

Turkey is taking firm steps towards becoming the global centre of the mattress sub-industry and technologies sector under the leadership of the International Mattress Industry Association (IBIA). With the IBIA EXPO to be held in September, it is aimed to increase the exports of the sector to 3 billion dollars.

The International Mattress Supply Industry and Technologies Association (IBIA), established in 2020 by the leading companies in the mattress supply industry, carries out important activities for the development and international recognition of the sector in our country.

IBIA, which was formed by the important supplier companies of the mattress production sector, which has a volume of 40 billion dollars in the world, has become an important power in the sector after its establishment in 2021. IBIA, which was established under the leadership of Osman Güler, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Elektroteks, with the aim of bringing together the mattress sub-industry sector, which appeals to approximately 150 countries with a production volume of 3 billion dollars and an employment of 25 thousand people in our country, under the same roof, IBIA, which was established with the gathering of 22 large and qualified manufacturers of the sector, managed to increase the number of members and to sign sound organisations in a short time.

IBIA, which aims to promote the mattress sub-industry sector worldwide, increase the competitiveness of companies in the sector and strengthen sectoral co-operation, aims to make Turkey the world leader in mattress production and to become the most important international meeting point of the sector. In line with this vision, the association supports its members to grow in line with innovation and technological developments.

Having more than 150 members operating in various sectors such as mattress production, mattress sub-industry, textile, machinery production, logistics, IBIA’s wide range of members plays an important role in encouraging sectoral collaborations and innovation. The members of the association ensure diversity and growth in the sector by doing important business both in the domestic market and in the international arena.

IBIA EXPO gains international status

Underlining that they shape the sector with the projects they have implemented and the events they regularly organise, Osman Güler said the following about IBIA EXPO, one of the most important projects of the association: “The fair, which we organised for the first time in 2022, attracted great national and international attention. After the successful first fair, we held the 2nd IBIA EXPO in 2023 with the participation of more than 300 companies on an area of 20 thousand square metres and hosted more than 35 thousand visitors from more than 100 countries.”

Pointing out that IBIA EXPO offers great opportunities for companies in the sector to take part in global markets as well as reinforcing Turkey’s leadership in this field, Osman Güler said, “Our fair, the third of which will be held in 2024 at the Istanbul Expo Centre on 25-28 September in cooperation with BİFAŞ, has been accredited as an international fair by the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB). This accreditation will increase the participation of foreign exhibitors and visitors to the fair and further strengthen our industry in the international arena. Our fair will also be supported by a sectoral buyer delegation programme under the auspices of the Ministry of Trade.”

Target 3 Billion Dollars Export

Emphasising that Turkey is an important player in the mattress sub-industry sector worldwide and is among the countries that produce the most mattresses after China, Güler stated that the economic recession experienced in global markets in 2023 also affected them. Güler added that despite all these negativities, Turkey is in a better situation than the world in general. Stating that they observed a 35 percent decline in their sector compared to the pandemic period, Güler said, “We wanted to overcome this decline with a smoother transition with the fair we organised and we saw the benefits of this. By the end of 2024, we aim to increase our exports to 3 billion dollars. For this, we aim to open up to new export markets, strengthen our position in our existing markets and increase our added value through R&D studies.”

At the 2nd Ordinary General Assembly held at the beginning of 2024, founding President Osman Güler was unanimously elected as the Chairman of the Board of Directors for another term. Güler emphasised that they have created important awareness since the establishment of IBIA and that they will continue to work for the development of the sector. Stating that IBIA members make great contributions to the Turkish economy, President Osman Güler said that they aim to increase the annual exports of the member companies of the association, which is over 2 billion dollars in total, to 3 billion dollars by the end of 2024.
