The International Mattress Industry Association (IBIA), which brings the mattress industry together, is expected to make a great contribution to the sector with its activities. The mattress industry sector, which has a size of 3 billion dollars in Turkey, exports ...
Devamını Oku »Anasayfa / MAGAZINE (sayfa 19)
July-August 2021
Mayıs-Haziran 2021
“A lead was found every minute on interzum @home!”
Over 10,000 participants from 132 countries over 142 companies from 24 countries over 230 digital events with a total of 4,240 minutes of content interzum @home 2021 drew to a close on Friday, 7 May 2021, with excellent overall results. ...
Devamını Oku »Visko Love makes a difference in sleep technology
Following the developments in the country and abroad with interest, the company is among the best brands in Europe. Focusing on the products developed abroad, Ural Group, as the first molded memory foam manufacturer company in the domestic market, ...
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