Anasayfa / ACCESSORIES / Bedcovers at Sleepwell Expo with its new bed covers

Bedcovers at Sleepwell Expo with its new bed covers

Entered in the textile business in 1995 with Bed Covers name, Kardesler Deri company prepared new bed covers. Located in Ergazi, Ankara, the company has a factory in Kazan, Ankara, promises a sleep experience beyond the expectations with its newly developed technologies.


The new models provide more refreshment during sleep and provide a healthy and peaceful sleep opportunity with its breathing mattresses. They remove all the accumulated stress during the day and people start the day healthy and dynamically when they awaken. The new generation mattress covers provide both dynamism and ergonomy to the people. They are made of organic textile products and are anti-allergic, anti-carcinogenic.

Visitors to the Sleepwell Expo may also meet and experience with the products of the company. 


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#Bedcovers #mattresses #sleep  #textile  #business

Bir yorum

  1. I am looking for mattress covers for our new memory foam mattress factory also looking for foam block
