Anasayfa / ACTUEL / Aydın Tekstil: ISPA fair performed positive for our exports

Aydın Tekstil: ISPA fair performed positive for our exports

Berhan Kaya, Marketing Manager of Aydın Tekstil, said that the ISPA Expo fair met their expectations.

Berhan Kaya, who used the expression “we want to follow the trends and technological developments on the spot” while explaining their expectations from the ISPA exhibition in his interview before the exhibition, stated that the exhibition functioned as a milestone on the way to short, medium and long term targets. Stating that they took part in a very important fair for the American mattress industry as well as for the companies and countries that want to export to this continent and make investments here, Kaya said that Turkish companies were the most prominent companies in the fair and Aydın Tekstil was the leader among these companies.

Stating that the fair was productive for them and that their expectations were met, Kaya gave the following statements; “ISPA fair is an organisation that appeals to the entire American continent and even hosts many visitors from outside the continent. This year, as in previous years, it was a fair with a very high efficiency scale and the fair maintained its stability. There were positive developments that will positively affect our export figures both in the fair area and in the meetings we held after the fair. These developments will enable us to increase our exports and investments to America. With the studies we will carry out in the light of these developments, we aim to highlight the Aydın Textile brand with quality and innovative products in the American and world market in the medium and long term.”





